Improving your Android apps with Data Bindings
DataBindings is a concept that has been there for quite some time with great success in other technologies. However, the Android stack lacked them (at least in an formal way) until June 2015, when Google introduced them in beta during the Google/IO (still in beta version at the moment of writing this post). But, how does DataBinding work? why is DataBinding so important? can it actually help and improve the way we develop Android apps? will this be the new standard when developing Android apps? I really believe so, so let’s get started! there is a lot to cover!
MVC in Objective-C (IV): The Controller layer
In MVC, the Controller is the part of your software that communicates your Model layer with your View layer, and it is by far the most abused role in iOS project. But lets first define how a good controller should look like:
Writing Clean Code (iOSX Enterprise Summit 2014)
For those of you who attended the iOSX Enterprise Summit, here is my presentation about good practices for writing clean code.
Chain of Responsibility pattern
Today I am going to write about a pretty uncommon but very useful pattern in iOS apps, called Chain of Responsibility, exploring how we can take advantage of some Cocoa methods to implement it easily and how/when to use it in your iOS apps to reduce dependencies in modular apps.
How to fix a "Duplicated Symbols" error on binary files
When including third party libraries into your project, you can run into a “Duplicated Symbols” error on the linking process. This annoying error is due to a name collision between one or more of your classes, usually caused by either: